Outdoor Trees
Through a collaboration with Lakehead University students Jordan Baird and Chris Culp, we are now able to provide information on a few key trees located around the perimeter of the Conservatory.
Common Name: Black Walnut
Scientific Name: Juglans nigra
Anishinaabemowin (Ojibwe) Name: Waawiye-bagaan-ag
Common Name: American Basswood
Scientific Name: Tillia americana
Anishinaabemowin (Ojibwe) Name: Wiigob
Common Name: White Spruce
Scientific Name: Picea glauca
Anishinaabemowin (Ojibwe) Name: Gaawaandag
Common Name: Butternut
Scientific Name: Juglans cinerea
Anishinaabemowin (Ojibwe) Name: Ginoozhi-bagaanaakwag
Common Name: Bur Oak
Scientific Name: Quercus macrocarpa
Anishinaabemowin (Ojibwe) Name: Mitigomizh
Common Name: Siberian Elm
Scientific Name: Ulmus pumila
Anishinaabemowin (Ojibwe) Name: Aniib (refers to American Elm)
Common Name: Northern Pin Oak
Scientific Name: Quercus ellipsoidalis
Anishinaabemowin Name: Mitigomizh (refers to bur oak or “oak” generally)
Common Name: Green Ash
Scientific Name: Fraxinus pennsylvanica
Anishinaabemowin (Ojibwe) Name: Emikwaansaak
Common Name: Amur Maple
Scientific Name: Acer ginnala
Anishinaabemowin (Ojibwe) Name: Aninaatig (refers to sugar maple or “maple” generally)
Common Name: Eastern White Pine
Scientific Name: Pinus strobus
Anishinaabemowin (Ojibwe) Name: Biisaandago-zhingwaak
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